Please remember

 When looking through the various sites on the web that
 are now so popular, YouTube, Facebook etc, especially when it comes to the martial arts,
 one of the most important qualities  that I think is lacking when it comes to being a good martial artist , other than your technical ability, is as follows:
"Never  to speak ill of others,  or it will surely come back to you" 
As the founder and chief instructor of the ECTA, I would be most unhappy to see any of my members getting involved in the practice of criticising, trashing, and being totally disrespectful towards any other style or practitioner, especially if it were any of my high grade students!  That  kind of behaviour would  not only reflect on you as a person, but would surely reflect on me as an instructor and mentor, as it does to those who do it. Unfortunately, some instructors encourage such behaviour in such a way as to promote their own ego, expertise and courage, trying indeed to make up for their own insecurities.
If you are one of my members, then please  don't get dragged into any  such dishonourable behaviour, as it shows no honour or respect,  and is not part of being a martial artist. 
I can proudly say, that as far as I am aware, non of our members have dishonoured either themselves, or the association, and I hope you all continue to behave in the correct manner, as I have no tolerance to such behaviour. 
 Thank you all.